Year 6 Transition Day




“Our current Year 5s joined by new students were warmly welcomed to the Year 6 Transition Day. The movement from Junior School to Middle School means that students will attend classes in specialist spaces like our Science labs and Home Economics kitchen.

Students participated in introductory lessons in both of these areas, learning how to safely light a Bunsen Burner and work in Food Technology to produce an edible and yummy snack. Although excited and nervous at the prospect of lighting their first Bunsen Burner or actually cooking for themselves, they all showed they were ready for next year and received their Bunsen Burner License and Food & Kitchen licence. They are now all certified and ready to start their new journey in Year 6 in both Science and Food technology.

Welcome to the Middle School. We look forward to seeing you all next year”

Mrs Sharon Frame – Head of Middle School

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