About the Challenge

The Oakleigh Grammar Parents' Association invites students from ELC K3 to Year 8 to enter the Time to Shine Lego Challenge.

Put your creative cap on and join the challenge over the Term 3 school holidays.

Build your Lego masterpiece and submit your entry in the form below.

It costs only $2.50 to enter per entry. All contributions will go towards the great prizes on offer. Any balance will be allocated to future school projects to benefit the students.

What Can I Win?

5 x $100 Lego vouches to be won (one for each group)

Lego Challenge

Challenge Criteria

Each year level has a theme selected to follow based on the below criteria.

Lego Challenge Judging Criteria
Lego Challenge

To download a printable PDF version of the criteria click the Lego Man!

Lego Challenge (2)

How to Enter

1. Build your amazing masterpiece following the above criteria in your year level group.

2. Take 3 photos of your creation. Photos to be against plain background only (i.e. wall)

3. Submit your entry using the form below and follow prompts for payment.

4. After submitting you will be redirected to PayPal to complete payment. Note: PayPal account is not required.

5. After payment, please click on the “return to seller’s website" button which will confirm the entry has been submitted.

Copy Of Oakleigh Grammar Students (1)


Can I submit multiple entries?

Yes, you can purchase multiple entries although each entry will need to be submitted separately through the form below


Can my parents help?

We encourage the kids to design and create their own masterpiece.


When is my submission due?

All submissions close on the 13th of October.


Can I still participate if I don’t have access to Lego?

Yes, you can use what you have around the house (ie. Recyclables like egg cartons & toilet paper) to make your build.


When will the winner’s be announced?

Winners will be announced at the school assembly on the 23rd of October.


If I have a question or run into trouble submitting my entry, what should I do?

Please email the Oakleigh Grammar PA (pacompetitions@oakleighgrammar.vic.edu.au) with the query and we’ll get back to you.


Do I need a PayPal account to enter?

If you haven’t already got a PayPal account don’t worry it is simple, just follow the prompts and all you need is your credit card details, email and home address.


I am having trouble submitting my entry using the submission form, what do I do?

If you are having trouble submitting (‘ReCaptcha’ error), please submit your entry using a different browser on a computer instead of a smartphone. Please also ensure your photos are in a JPG format. If you are still experiencing difficulties, please email your entry (together with required details) to pacompetitions@oakleighgrammar.vic.edu.au, and a member of the team will capture your entry and organise the entry fee directly with you.

Entries for the competition have closed