
The Oakleigh Grammar Library is centrally situated and is open the entire school day, providing a range of resources and experiences to suit the varied curriculum and recreational needs of our students.

Oakleigh Grammar Library provides a range of experiences and resources for students from Early Learning Centre through to Year 5. The Junior School library program enables students to foster a love of reading and an independent use of technology. Students are encouraged to browse and borrow from a range of materials to facilitate both learning and personal enjoyment.

Prep to Year 2 classes listen to stories followed by open discussions allowing the students to further understand the characters and how they may relate to their own lives. Years 3 and 4 classes take part in literacy activities that are theme based and reflect their curriculum. Year 5 students participate in Information Literacy classes, which are curriculum driven and have a focus on E-safety practices.

In the Middle and Senior School, the Library is key to implementing, enriching and supporting the teaching and learning programs. Its services and collections are guided by Approaches to Learning, multiliteracies and the IB learner profile to support students towards becoming better inquirers, consumers and creators of information.

Junior School students in library Oakleigh Grammar
Middle School students in library learning