Remember To Put Yourself First

Man And Woman Walking Dog On Tarmacked Road 2495563

Article written by

Oakleigh Grammar Counsellor, Fiona Baudinette


This year seems intent on delivering more and more challenges. Remote Learning, especially second time around, has been harder to handle. The parents I have spoken to feel there is no end in sight, unlike last time, when there was optimism that it would end soon. The children are struggling as they are worn out too, so motivation has become a big issue. They just want to see their friends and have some fun, not sit at a computer all day.

This of course falls back on you, as you juggle work and issues at home, with your child’s Remote Learning needs. So, I am reminding you again, that YOU as parents are the priority in this equation. You know that if you fall apart then, the ‘wheels fall off the wagon.’ So, you must put yourself first. Take a day off school- work, or your own work when it becomes overwhelming, even just a lesson, a morning, or afternoon. The teachers completely understand how hard this is, as many of them are juggling children and work too!

I am sure you may be concerned that if your child misses some classes, they will fall behind however, as this is having a huge impact on all children, not just your own, the teachers will be addressing this. They will focus on catching up and filling in knowledge gaps as best they can when we have all children back at school. I have no doubt this will be a focus of curriculum next year as well.

In the end, like everything with parenting, you can only do the best you can. We are not superhuman, nor are we experts on everything, so look after your own well-being and your children will be OK and remember that everything will sort itself out, in time.

Take care and don’t forget to laugh where you can. Remember, I am here to help you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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