Clare O’Neil MP visits Oakleigh Grammar

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Oakleigh Grammar was proud to host The honourable Clare O’Neil MP, Shadow Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services and Federal Member for Hotham.

Clare took a tour of the school with Principal Mark Robertson, Board President and Chairman Chris Damatopoulos and School Captains Toni and Chris, stopping in to greet our Junior School students as they were enjoying some play outside. She also asked our School Captains how they were finding the VCE, and enquired about their plans after high school.

School Captains Chris and Toni, Mark Robertson, Board Chairman Chris Damatopoulos all pose for a selfie with Clare O'Neil MP

School Captains Chris and Toni, Mark Robertson, Board Chairman Chris Damatopoulos all pose for a selfie with Clare O’Neil MP

Mark Robertson checking Clare O'Neil has her vaccination certificate before coming on-site

Taking our Covid compliance requirements seriously, Principal Mark Roberts checks Clare’s vaccine certificate.

Our Year 5 Students getting ready to go to camp

Clare meets our Year 5 students in the playground

Masks on!

Masking up in the Junior School

Visiting our students in class

Visiting our students in class

Enjoying a tour of the school

Enjoying a tour of the school


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