Celebrating Greek Independence Day

Premier Dan Andrews and staff and students from Oakleigh Grammar at the Shrine of Remembrance

It has been a great time of celebration as we mark Greek Independence Day including a service at the Shrine of Remembrance with Premier Dan Andrews, a Church service with Father George, a visit by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, a function at the Hellenic Museum and assemblies and dress ups at our School. These events are a highlight of our school calendar and after two years of cancelled events, it was lovely to be able to participate in celebrations with community.


Independence Day 4

Oakleigh Grammar was proud to be a representative school at the Greek Independence Day service at the Shrine of Remembrance.


Independence Day Hellenic Museum

Celebrating Greek Independence Day at the Hellenic Museum were (from left) The Greek Consul General in Melbourne, Emmanuel Kakavelakis; Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in Melbourne, Lenka Allen; President of the Melbourne Greek Community, Bill Papastergiadis OAM; Chairman of the Oakleigh Grammar Board, Chris Damatopoulos; and Mark Robertson, Principal of Oakleigh Grammar.


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Father George leads a special service in honour of Greek Independence Day.



Students dress up to mark Greek Independence Day.


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His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis visited the Greek Orthodox Community of Oakleigh and District which successfully applied for a grant from the Victorian Multicultural Commission. Pictured here with His Grace is Father George Adamakis School Chaplain and Parish Priest, Mark Roberston Principal of Oakleigh Grammar, Sam Vassos Treasurer, and students from Oakleigh Grammar. In conjunction with the ‘Five Loaves’ initiative of the Archdiocesan Dis

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